What We’re Playing: Speed Guess Something

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Speed Guess is a creative game with two different game modes. It is a quick and fun game where you guess and draw with or against other people.

The first game mode that you can play is Draw and Guess. This is the co-op mode where you match up with other people and draw and guess for them. The goal is to have the longest match streak possible. The matches take place over time. You take turns and you may wait hours or days for other players to respond.

A cool element of the Draw and Guess game mode is the shop. Every time you guess a word or another person guesses your drawing, you earn coins. You can use the coins in the shop to buy new colors and bombs that destroy any unnecessary letters while you guess.

The second game mode is a competitive mode called Speed Guess. Unlike the Draw and Guess game mode, these matches are very quick. You are matched against a person and you only guess what is being drawn, you never draw for the other person.

In Speed Guess there are several categories to guess from. For example, there is a Food and Drinks category, a Films and TV category, and there is a Mixed Bag category where you can guess from all groups.
Speed Guess is an enjoyable game with elements of drawing and guessing.

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